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Fashion Shows

All fashion shows and lectures listed below feature the original and inspired designs by Rachel D. K. Clark and showcase the visual excitement of wearable art. Rachel will display over twenty garments representing a wide variety of styles from casual to elegant. Her commentary is witty, anecdotal, and poignant.  A unique aspect of these fashion shows is that members of your group or organization will participate as models.

The show times are approximately one hour, but can be adjusted on request.  Rachel is also available for symposium-length workshops.

The following are fashion shows currently offered by Rachel.   Shows may also be tailored to meet the particular interests of your group. 

Clothing for the Body & the Soul

A fashion show accompanied by anecdotes on the “hows and whys” of Rachel-made garments. The show will include a variety of garments: ensembles, coats, jackets, vests, and dresses. This is a good show for longer blocks of time, as it can be expanded to fit any time frame.

Let Your Clothes Speak For You

This fashion show combines Rachel’s garments with garments made by your guild or group members. Rachel will supply numerous garments of her own design, including coats, vests, and ensembles, then supplement these with guild members’ works. This is a great way to showcase the work of guild members and give them recognition.

Everybody Git De Blues Sometimes

A reflection and celebration of Rachel’s love for the color BLUE. All of the garments in this fashion show are blue, have blue as the predominant color, or have blue in them for a particular reason. In this show Rachel shows you why she loves to be blue!

Ethnically-Influenced Garments

All of the garments in this show are based on designs and fabric of a particular culture or influenced by the garments worn by members of a particular culture. For example the garment list garments includes: a Russian Cossack ensemble, a Hoari coat influenced by Japanese design and a mud cloth ensemble entitled “Out for Lunch” made from African Fabrics.

So You Got Something to Celebrate

The garments in this fashion show know how to celebrate! Every one of the garments in this series were created for a special occasion: Rachel’s birthday, her son’s wedding, Christmas, New Year, and more. Rachel will tell the story behind each garment and discuss her process for creating garments that celebrate or commemorate an event or special day.

Not Just Another Coat

A show case of the coats and jackets Rachel created to celebrate her “Year of the Coat.” Rachel’s year of the coat looks like it may become the decade of the coat and Rachel will share some of her most recent garments as well as her old favorites.
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